Sunday Mornings 11:00 am
Beginning mid-August, we offer Adult Christian Education (ACE) opportunities through mid-May. Every 2-6 weeks various teachers within and outside UPC share different topics and invite conversation. For information on upcoming classes, sign up for The Weekly Update.
Wednesday Mornings 9 am
Beginning in mid-August, we meet to read the scriptures assigned to the upcoming Sunday by the Revised Common Lectionary (a three-year cycle of scripture designed to lead a congregation through the entirety of scripture). We follow a style of reading called lectio divina, which is Latin for “divine reading.” It’s a way of reading scripture through a spiritual lens, inviting God’s Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and open our hearts to the Way of Jesus. Think of it almost as “Prayer Reading.” We also do a fair amount of unpacking texts from historical, theological, and literary critique. All are welcomed. No experience necessary!
A national ministry that is part of the PC(USA), the Presbyterian Women (or PW for short) is committed to:
- nurturing women’s faith through prayer and Bible study;
- supporting the mission of the Church worldwide;
- working for justice and peace; and
building an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA), and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
At UPC, PW meets in “circles” which meet monthly for mutual support, bible study, and fellowship. The national PW organization publishes Horizons magazine six times per year and the annual bible study used by most congregation-based PW groups.
Contact the church office for more information or to join one of UPC’s PW circles.